EOTO – Being an Ally

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Being an Ally is a Journey – Karen Caitlin

No more white saviours, thanks: how to be a true anti-racist ally. Nova Reid

Five simple actions to create a more inclusive workplace and be a better ally.

In order for true diversity to flourish, we need to first become unswervingly anti-racist. That means doing more than watching a few documentaries or reading some books, says Nova Reid. Consciously ‘unlearning’ racism is the crucial first step.

BME Allyship Model

This BME Allyship Model, the IPPLAUD Model, documentation and content has been developed collaboratively between the The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the BME Staff Network.

The Triple ‘A’ Chinwag Wayne Reid BASW and Andrew Thompson

The Triple ‘A’ Chinwag is a BASW England pilot mini-series, where BASW Anti-Racism Lead Wayne Reid explores “authentic anti-racist allyship” from the perspective of Andrew Thompson, a retired Specialist Practice Teacher in Youth Justice, YOS Officer and Social Work Lecturer from Sheffield.

For our white friends desiring to be allies

Courtney Ariel

Black History Month

For those who wish to engage in the ally conversation, that when someone asks you the question, “how can I be a stronger ally?” you might choose to save your breath/energy and send this in its place.

Department of Health and Social Care | Social work with adults | Black History Month: reflections on allyship