EOTO – Racism in the Workplace

Home / EOTO – Racism in the Workplace

The Racism of the ‘Hard-to-Find’ Qualified Black Candidate Trope. Autumn McDonald, 2021

Stereotypes and racial bias in hiring and promotion are damaging at personal, career, and organizational levels.


Leading in Colour the fierce urgency of NOW

‘Leading in Colour – the fierce urgency of NOW’ is aimed at white leaders across the public sector, and in particular, at Chief Executives, Council Leaders, Partnership Boards and their teams.


Cultural Competence by Meera Spillett

Underpinned by the concept of Cultural Competence, organisations can create the conditions to receive and support more Black leaders, helping Black staff and leaders to survive and thrive within their roles and address the barriers that sadly still exist for Black staff in achieving primary leadership roles.


How to call out Racial Injustice at Work

Harvard Business Review


Ethnic Minority Social Workers in the UK: workforce representation, welfare, retention and progression.


Patel S. (2020) White senior leaders

What Works for Children’s Social Care



12 practical things you can do this week to create a supportive culture for your Black/BAME colleagues.