Tabi on racial matters: How you could use your white privilege to create a better world. Gloria Tabi
Conversation PowerPoint – White Privilege
Seeing White Privileges for what they are
See….. PowerPoint for Conversation Piece – White Privilege
The system of white supremacy as self-perpetuating
See…..The system of white supremacy as self-perpetuating info graphic
10 ways White Women can dismantle White Supremacy. And, how to do better.
Selam Debs
See guidance document
When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression
Wayne Reid
“we must not stop ringing the alarm on racism in social work”
What is white feminism and how does it harm women of colour?
Challenging White Supremacy workshop
White Supremacy Culture – From Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups