Safeguarding Adult Reviews

25th March 09:30 - 12:30 via MS Teams part 1, Zoom part 2.

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This presentation will be in two parts. Part 1 ( 1 hour) will explore the latest research around SARs, and what we can learn from looking at the national picture. It will consider the themes that are emerging, what SARs are recommending, whether there are any commonalities between them, and how the findings from SARs can be implemented as general good practice, irrespective of where the SAR took place. It will look at issues for different service user groups, and the diverse settings in which we see SARs being undertaken. Participants will gain an understanding of the types of poor practice that emerge from SAR’s, but also the good practice that is often highlighted, and how this can be applied to their own social work practice. The aim is to shift understanding of SARs from being a potential source of fear for social workers, to being a rich source of learning and practice improvement. Part 2 -This will be followed by the participatory dramatised presentation (2 hrs)

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