Connected Carer Participation Groups in Local Authorities


To identify and critically evaluate the benefits and challenges of establishing and working with Parent/Connected Carer Participation Groups as contributors to on-going local authority children’s services’ strategic development and delivery of social work child protection and other short / medium term statutory social work intervention (i.e. child protection assessment, child in need and looked after child intervention)


1) To identify messages from research via literature review re the models, impact, benefits and challenges for the local authority of establishing and working with Parent/Connected Carer participation groups;

2) To identify existing initiatives in local authorities across England where Parent/Connected Carer participation groups contribute to local authority children’s service strategic development and/or practice in relation to child protection and/or short and medium term social work interventions;

3) To survey via mixed method on line survey and semi structured telephone or virtual conference interviews identified relevant existing participation projects across England to identify learning re:
i)activity range, value and impact of participation group; ii)enablers and barriers to developing and working with an effective Parent/Connected Carer Participation Group

Partner: Edge Hill University/Liverpool City Council

Identified Lead: Nigel Kelleher

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