Practice Education Resources


How do I submit my portfolio?

Up to cohort 5 – You submit your portfolio, complete and signed off by your PE Mentor to

Cohort 6 & above – Your PE Mentor submits your complete portfolio to

Where do I find the tasks for missed days?

Up to cohort 6 – These are found in your PEPS Workbook

Cohort 7 and above –  These are found in your PEPS Handbook

What are the three submission dates?

You will find these in your PEPS Handbook

How do I make sure my portfolio is properly anonymised?

How do I reference the written reflective task?

Referencing style is Harvard. Click on the above Practice Educator Guidance to access the referencing guide.

You must reference to relevant and appropriate materials, with at least 15 references and citations, that can include professional publications and reports including Government bodies or organisations, academic journals, books, blogs, conferences, lecture notes, podcasts, television programme, website, YouTube.

Please utilise the above Reading & Resources.