Partnership Research Funded Projects

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Funded Projects 2023-2024

Proximity in Practice Education: Considering two different models of social work practice education in Local Authority placements

Funded Projects 2022-2023

From Student to Practitioner; race, racism and social work (phase 2)

CMSWTP NIHR Project Report March 23

Developing an Inclusive Model for Research within CMSWTP: SU/PLE as co-producers of research.

Reports below:

An inclusive model of research V1

Co production research team. V1

Reflecting on preparedness for child protection practice: what are the messages of newly qualified child protection social workers and their managers for social work education providers and their curriculum?

Report below:

Preparedness for child protection Interim Report March 2023

CWP Trust Evaluation Project – a named Social Worker 

The objective of this scoping review is to identify the different types of social care interventions that exist for care leavers who are not Care Act eligible, and to understand how effective these are in improving outcomes for this specific group of care leavers entering adulthood.

Report below:

Care interventions to support transition for young people leaving care – a scoping review 30th March 23

Care interventions to support transition for young people leaving care – a scoping review 27th November 23


Funded Projects 2021-2022

Social work with Conviction. To explore experiences of social work course admission for applicants with criminal convictions.

Report for Teaching Partnership

Developing a Child Sexual Abuse Assessment Tool for SWs across Cheshire and Merseyside.

What are the identified training needs of health and social work professionals working with adolescents transitioning between children’s and adult health and social work services? What are the recommendations for social work education and practice?

Read the Research Report here: Final report for CMSWTP training needs of health and social care practitioners

From Student to Practitioner; race, racism and social work (phase 1)

Focusing on the experiences and perspectives of ‘BAME’ (Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic) social work students and practitioners within the Cheshire and Merseyside Teaching Partnership (CMSWTP) area as they navigate their journeys within social work programmes and the social work profession.

Photovoice: A visual story of community coproduction. This project will use photography, focus groups and a public exhibition to explore the work of leaders with lived experience delivering community coproduction. The public exhibition will share visual findings, raising awareness of this community-led form of social work (and the CMSWTP) to a broader public audience.

Read the full research report here

Summary report here

Funded Projects 2020-2021

Social Work Students with Dyslexia: What are the challenges and what strategies can be used to provide effective support in University and on placement?

Click here for the Dyslexia Good Practice Guide

How can adult social workers appropriately support older people who experience loneliness or social isolation?

Read the research report here: How can adult social workers appropriately support older people who experience loneliness or social isolation?

What are the frontline practitioners’ experiences of increasing Care Orders at home?

How can we more fully include lived experiences of (former) service users in the evaluation of services and co-production of knowledge?

Written evidence to the Justice Committee Inquiry into Mental Health in Prisons

Prisoners On Prisons Report TP

A Profile of Students Admitted to the Social Work Degree in the CMSWTP Region

Read the report here: A Profile of Students Admitted to the Social Work Degree in the CMSWTP Region

Photovoice: A visual narrative of a peer led crime prevention approach.

The study has now been published in the British Journal of Social Work

Link to the author copy here: BJSW-Practising-community-justice-with-love (002)

Click here to view our Exhibition report

Click here to view our Research Report – Photovoice Research Report

What difference does a Parent and/or Connected Carer Participation Group make in local authority child protection, child in need and child looked after social work intervention? What helps or hinders setting up and working with an effective Parent and Connected Carer Participation Group?

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