Wellbeing of Social Workers in a transmutative health environment. Key issues effecting the workforce which will play a role in retention, recruiting and maintaining a workforce post effects of CoVID.

Aim & Objectives:

1.    Better understand social workers concerns in a health setting in the rapidly changing politicised environment.

2.    The impact of CoVID on roles and work demands.

3.  To consider whether social workers based in health settings are just surviving or thriving in relation to planned changes introduced locally and nationally.

Partner: MC

Identified Lead: Crispin Evans

Contact info: Crispin.Evans@merseycare.nhs.uk

Reflecting on preparedness for child protection practice: what are the messages of newly qualified child protection social workers and their managers for social work education providers and their curriculum?

Aim & Objectives:

1.     To identify areas of practice where practitioners (social workers and mangers) feel that NQSWs are poorly prepared/require enhancement.

2.     To evaluate practitioner accounts in the context of different qualifying routes.

3.     To identify areas where curriculum needs to be enhanced.

4.     To report on the strengths and weaknesses of different qualifying routes and curriculum designs.

Partner: EHU plus potentially 3 LA’s

Identified Lead: Ciaran Murphy

Contact info: Ciaran.Murphy@edgehill.ac.uk

Research Hub

This is a small group of academics, practitioners and students who collaborate on driving our Research Agenda on behalf of the partnership, focusing on one of our key priorities:

  • To nurture the co-production of knowledge between practitioners and academics across the Social Work landscape

  • To influence change at practice and systems level.

If you would like to join the group which meets every other month please contact Nicola Whiteside, cmswtp@gmail.com

Photo voice: A visual story of community coproduction. This project will use photography, focus groups and a public exhibition to explore the work of leaders with lived experience delivering community coproduction. The public exhibition will share visual findings, raising awareness of this community-led form of social work (and the CMSWTP) to a broader public audience.

Listen to Gill explain more:

Aim & Objectives:

  • To explore the coproduction approach taken by RRR and disseminate learning.
  • To explore the experiences of people working with RRR using photo voice.
  • To construct a visual narrative of the coproduction approach taken.
  • To create a public exhibition to raise awareness    To make recommendations for social work.


Partner: Red Rose Recovery, UoC

Identified Lead: Gill Buck

Co-investigator: Victoria Arnold

Contact info: g.buck@chester.ac.uk

Developing a Child Sexual Abuse Assessment Tool for SWs across Cheshire and Merseyside.

Aim & Objectives

1.     To produce a literature review of the extant literature so that a foundation of knowledge and theory can be used to inform the development of the proposed CSA Assessment Tool for SWs across Cheshire and Merseyside.

2.     To develop a theoretical framework for the proposed CSA Assessment Tool.

3. To introduce the proposed CSA Assessment Tool to SWs (CSA Train the Trainers) and through a rapid (virtual) Delphi review, consult and generate feedback to further develop the tool

Partner: LJMU, LCC and Knowsley LA

Identified Lead: Stephanie Kewley

Contact info: s.kewley@ljmu.ac.uk

Social work with Conviction. To explore experiences of social work course admission for applicants with criminal convictions.

Aim & Objectives:

To analyse university recruitment processes for applicants with criminal convictions. Objectives: To explore the experiences of people who have been admitted to a social work course with a criminal record. To explore the experiences of staff navigating conviction checks. To co-produce an academic journal article examining existing processes . To make recommendations for social work workforce development, centring lived experience in the coproduction of knowledge.

Partner: Warrington and Liverpool Local Authorities

Identified Lead: Emily Weygang

Contact info: e.weygang@chester.ac.uk

What are the identified training needs of health and social work professionals working with adolescents transitioning between children’s and adult health and social work services? What are the recommendations for social work education and practice?

Aim & Objectives:

The aim of the research is to identify the training needs of health and social work professionals’ in relation to adolescent development and transition of care.

The aim will be met through the following objectives:
• To analyse and integrate qualitative data from two existing studies which explore transition from the perspectives of health and social work practitioners.
• To make recommendations for social work education and practice.
• To present the findings and recommendations in a brief report which will be disseminated to social work practitioners and academics through the CMSWTP.

Partner: Helen Jones (Warrington Borough Council), Julie Feather (University of Chester)

Identified Lead: Julie Feather

Contact info: jfeather@chester.ac.uk

A more balanced approach? A comparative analysis of Practice Education within Local Authority Placements, off-site versus on-site Practice Education.

Aim: The research will seek to develop a model for creating a more balanced learning experience for social work students and practice educators within LA placements. It will evaluate the effectiveness of practice learning within two distinct models, on site LA practice education and off site LA practice education. It will consider the implications for teaching and learning, aiming to support both students and practice educators to embrace a more sustainable learning system within LA placements. An exploration of the power differences between practice educators and students will be a key component of the research study.

Partner: UoC, EHU plus LA partners

Identified Lead: Vanessa Goldsmith, Emma Rimmer, Zoe Rogerson

Contact info: v.goldsmith@chester.ac.uk

Capacitated individuals residing in 24hr care and the Covid 19 Pandemic


How can capacitated individuals residing in 24 hour care, whom are not subject to a legal framework be supported to appropriately challenge restrictions imposed by Public Health England guidance throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, what are the measures that are in place to support individuals subject to a legal framework such as DoLS and how can this be simulated for capacitated adults?


  • To recognise the wider impact of the PHE guidance on capacitated individuals in 24 hour care settings.
  • To uncover good practice and ways in which social workers, advocates and care providers have supported service users to positively challenge the guidance in a bid to gain personalisation.
  • To consider how the PHE guidance may be adapted to support capacitated individuals to achieve a personalised risk assessment and care approach in response to the guidance.
  • To consider how the provision of DoLS has adapted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and how a flexible approach may be simulated for capacitated individuals in a 24 hour care setting.
  • To collate the opinions of residents, social workers and best interest assessors in relation to noted differences across service user groups and care settings.

Partner: 2 local authorities – DoLS team input and input from social workers/CHC nurse practitioners.  4 Care providers – 2 in each local authority area.

Identified Lead: Katie Brown

Contact info: katie.brown@warrington.gov.uk

Student profiles on social work degrees in CMSWTP area

Listen to Selwyn explain more:

Aim: A Profile of Students Admitted to the Social Work Degree in the CMSWTP Region


1.    To portray the socio-demographic profile of students admitted to the social work degree

2. To identify predominant entry modes into SW degrees and academic progression.

3. To follow up students who have dropped out at different stages of the social work programme; to identify reasons and generate a profile of premature leavers.

Partner: 4HEIs

Identified Lead: Selwyn Stanley and Val Gant

Contact info: stanleys@edgehill.ac.uk

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