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Knowsley Children’s Services

Placements will continue to be organised by the university Placement Coordinator.

Knowsley Adult Social Care undertakes statutory duties under legislation such as the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 1983. The work includes assessments, support plans, completing safeguarding investigations, authorising Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards applications from managing authorities and Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) duties.


Completing assessments, reviews, shadowing complex casework, transition, supporting adults with physical and/or learning disabilities, older people with additional physical and/or mental health needs, supporting the completion of support plans, shadowing the completion of capacity assessments and Best Interests decisions and Court of Protection work.


This is the front door provision, potential carer breakdown, out of hours working, completing assessments, casework with adults who have physical and learning disabilities, older people with additional physical and health needs and other adults who may have care and support needs, arranging and commissioning emergency respite.


Supporting community and residential care package or placement reviews, casework with adults as above and reviewing complex packages of support including combined reviews of supported accommodation services when people share accommodation.

Recovery (Mental Health)

Primarily supporting severe and enduring Mental Health issues, casework with people living in nursing, residential and independent settings, hospital discharge. Statutory work and social circumstances reports in relation to people detained.

Knowsley Adult’s Services

Placements will continue to be organised by the university Placement Coordinator.

Knowsley Children’s Social Care works with children from pre-birth to aged 18 and Care Leavers up to 25.

Child Protection Teams

Responsible for undertaking all assessments re: safeguarding, working with key agencies, voluntary support via Child in Need plans, statutory intervention and legal proceedings.

Looked After Children 

Supporting children up to the age of 14 who are subject to an Interim Care Order/Care Order, which includes supporting care planning and implementation at parental home, in foster care, residential or secure placements. It also covers life story work and completing Personal Education Plans.

Children with Disabilities

Completing ongoing assessments, supporting families and children with complex needs and tailoring support packages to meet those needs, multi-agency planning and arranging short breaks if required.

Youth Offending Team

Listening to victims and supporting young people to right their wrongs, enabling young people and their families to take personal responsibility for their offending behaviour and reduce the risk of re-offending, working together with communities and other services to integrate young people back into the community.


This is a multi-agency team to protect children against child exploitation and works together with children, families and the community to reduce the risk of child exploitation by conducting Child Sexual Exploitation criminal investigations, safeguarding investigations and intelligence development. There is also an outreach service offering training and presentations to schools, youth centres, colleges, professionals.