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student placement opportunities

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Halton Children’s Services

Placements will continue to be organised by the university Placement Coordinator.

Halton Borough Council is a Unitary Authority that covers the towns of Runcorn and Widnes and is part of the Liverpool City Region. It has excellent links to major towns and cities across Merseyside and Cheshire.  We offer placements to Student Social Workers across a range of teams in both Adult and Children’s Social Care and are keen to ensure Students are provided with holistic learning experiences that prepare them for employment. Students in Halton are able to access a range of additional learning and development opportunities such as Action Learning Sets and Student support groups as well as formal training. Halton participates in Step up to Social Work and ensures all newly qualified social workers employed in the Authority are enrolled on the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).

For students placed in Children’s Services you will be supporting Halton children, young people and their families from pre-birth to age 25.  You will practice within key legislation including the Children Act (1989), Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and the Children and Social Work Act (2017). Halton is working collaboratively with three partner Local Authorities in Cheshire to recruit and train Foster Carers and is a partner within the regional adoption agency, Together for Adoption.

In Children’s  social care in Halton,  we offer a nurturing placement for all .Halton offers students designated support from a practice educator and a practice manager from the Social Work Academy.
We ensure that students have a  supportive induction, are offered training throughout their placements, opportunities  to shadow other areas/ professionals  of the workforce, dedicated time for study and additional reflective one to one supervisions and monthly peer group sessions with include guest speakers and interactive sessions which promote students skills , learning and confidence.
In Halton’s Children social care, if the placement is going successfully, we encourage  students to consider applying for a permanent qualified position as an ASYE social worker , this takes place at midpoint of the 100-day placement.

The social work academy in Halton Children’s social care  offers a complete package of coaching support and development led by a team of skilled social work specialists.

Placements are available in the following teams:

iCART (initial contact and referral team)

Multi agency front door screening for children’s services.

Child in Need Teams

Supporting children, young people and families on a child in need or child protection basis.

Child in Care and Care Leavers Team

Supporting children whose permanency plan is long term Fostering or Adoption and Care Leavers up until the age of 25.

Fostering Team

Assessing potential Foster Carers and providing supervisory support to approved Carers.

Adoption Team

Assessing of potential Adopters and providing support post Adoption.

Children with Disabilities Team)

Supporting disabled children and their families.

Halton Adult’s Services

Placements will continue to be organised by the university Placement Coordinator.

Halton Borough Council is a Unitary Authority that covers the towns of Runcorn and Widnes and is part of the Liverpool City Region. It has excellent links to major towns and cities across Merseyside and Cheshire.  We offer placements to Student Social Workers across a range of teams in both Adult and Children’s Social Care and are keen to ensure Students are provided with holistic learning experiences that prepare them for employment. Students in Halton are able to access a range of additional learning and development opportunities such as Action Learning Sets and Student support groups as well as formal training. Halton participates in Step up to Social Work and ensures all newly qualified social workers employed in the Authority are enrolled on the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).

Students on placement in Adult Social Care support residents who are aged 16 and over and work within key legislation including the Care Act (2014) and the Mental Capacity Act (2005). The majority of Adult teams are generic and will provide you with the opportunity to support adults with learning disabilities, physical and sensory impairments, acquired brain injury and adults over 65. We provide support for Carers and work collaboratively with partner agencies.

Placements are available in the following teams:

PWS (Prevention & Wellbeing Service)

Multi disciplinary front door screening for adult services.

Complex Care

Generic teams supporting adults over the age of 18 and their Carers.

IASU (Independent Adult Safeguarding Unit)

Undertakes adult safeguarding and DoLS assessments.

Hospital Discharge Teams

Multi agency teams based at Whiston and Warrington Hospitals providing assessments and care planning for residents who require support upon discharge from hospital.

Mental Health Team

Supporting adults with severe and enduring mental health needs.

Sure Start to Later Life

Supporting children and young adults with learning disabilities during the transition from Children’s to Adult Social Care.

Transition Team

Providing services to residents over the age of 50 to improve their physical, social and mental health.