Court Skills 1st March 2022

Court Skills

Home / Events / CMSWTP Teacher Practitioner Status Training

This is a course aimed at professionals, in particular, social workers whose role may bring them into the any of the various courts. It is an introduction to the different types of court and any differences in procedure and introduces the delegates to the other professionals they will meet in the court arena, their roles and status. Learning Objectives:

  • To be able to prepare and deliver evidence confidently in the court setting, Understand the Public Law Outline (PLO),
  • To understand the protocols used by various courts, To understand the protocols used by various courts,
  • To have an increased knowledge of court systems and personnel ,
  • To understand the requirements and skills required to present court reports and Understand the significance of the Social Worker’s report.

PRW 19th May 2021

PRW 19th May 2021

Home / Events / Practice Educator Refresher Training

Topic – Analysing Qualitative data: Content analysis (TBC)
and an introduction to CMSWTP Research Project: What difference does a Parent and/or Connected Carer Participation Group make in local authority child protection, child in need and child looked after social work intervention? What helps or hinders setting up and working with an effective Parent and Connected Carer Participation Group? (Nigel Kelleher- EHU, Helen Lea – LCC, Eoanna Stathopoulos – EHU)

To register please click here: CMSWTP – Practitioner Research CPD Workshops 2021_2022 (

Safeguarding Adult Reviews

Safeguarding Adult Reviews

25th March 09:30 - 12:30 via MS Teams part 1, Zoom part 2.

Home / Events / Practice Educator Refresher Training

This presentation will be in two parts. Part 1 ( 1 hour) will explore the latest research around SARs, and what we can learn from looking at the national picture. It will consider the themes that are emerging, what SARs are recommending, whether there are any commonalities between them, and how the findings from SARs can be implemented as general good practice, irrespective of where the SAR took place. It will look at issues for different service user groups, and the diverse settings in which we see SARs being undertaken. Participants will gain an understanding of the types of poor practice that emerge from SAR’s, but also the good practice that is often highlighted, and how this can be applied to their own social work practice. The aim is to shift understanding of SARs from being a potential source of fear for social workers, to being a rich source of learning and practice improvement. Part 2 -This will be followed by the participatory dramatised presentation (2 hrs)

To register click here: CMSWTP – Registration for Safeguarding Adult Reviews is closed (

Action Learning Sets

Action Learning Sets Training

Home / Events / Action Learning Sets Training

‘Leads on Pre-qualifying work stream to send identified names to by end of Sept’

Facilitated by Centre for Action Learning – offered to 2 reps (anyone supporting a CMSWTP student from each partner)


Online Diversity in Social Work Event

Online Diversity in Social Work Event

7th Dec 2020 9:45 for 10am start - 1pm

Home / Events / Online Diversity in Social Work Event
  • To discuss the challenge of equalities in social Work Practice.
  • Share one Social Worker’s Experience in practice and identify best practice in the work place.
  • Share examples of practice from two People with Lived Experience.
  • Reflect on our own practice and share strategies employed.

BLM Launch

Black Lives Matter - Each One Teach One

Home / Events / BLM

An overview of what we are wanting to drive across the Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership; Input from a variety of speakers around the aims of Each One Teach One – Black Lives Matter and a space to reflect on what this may mean for you and your practice. See flyer on website and to register:

Culturally Aware Social Work 1st April 2021

Culturally Aware Social Work 1st April 2021

Home / Events / CMSWTP Teacher Practitioner Status Training

This 1-day training is aimed at supporting an ongoing transformation strategy in a named social work organisation. Some topics to be discussed include: culturally sensitive assessment and intervention, unconscious bias and anti-oppressive practice. This session will outline cultural awareness within the broader context of anti-oppressive practice and will be underpinned by Professional Capability Framework (PCF), Knowledge and Skills Statements (KSS) and Social Work England Professional Standards. To register:

Online Practitioner Research CPD workshop (PRWs)

Online Practitioner Research CPD workshop (PRWs)

Home / Events / CMSWTP Teacher Practitioner Status Training

To raise awareness of the benefits of practitioners doing research and provide training and development on how to undertake practitioner research.

17th Feb – How can we frame a research question.

17th March – How to do a focus group?

Free to members of the partnership delivered via MS Teams.

Well-being: Self-care

Well-being: Self-care

These are three x 3 hour workshops that you can do either as a standalone or as all three workshops. Free to members of the partnership, delivered via Zoom.

Home / Events / Well-being: Self-care

It begins with workshop 2, then 3 and then workshop 1. They will run twice so you only need to register once for each workshop if you wish to attend all 3.

Workshop 1 (A1 or B1 )What is self-care and why it is so vital? For all participants to understand Professional Trauma and Fatigue, and the evidence based Five Pillars of Protection used to buffer the secondary impact of working in Social Care and Health with a focus on Self Care.

Workshop 2 (A2 or B2) How Can Self Care be Brought into Practice by Managers?For all participants to understand how they can encourage and facilitate self care within their teams.

Workshop 3 (A3 or B3) Why and How to Strengthen Peer Support and the Sense of Team? For all participants to understand why peer support is important, within the context of the evidence based Five Pillars of Protection used to buffer the secondary impact of working in Social Care and Health with a focus on Self Care. For them to have identified actionable steps they can take to improve and/or maintain team morale and support.

Workshop 2 A2- 11/1/ 1.30-4.30 or B2 21/1 9.30-12.30.

Workshop 3 A3 4/2 9.30-12.30 or B3 8/2 9.30-12.30

Workshop 1 A1 1/3 9.30-12.30 or B1 18/3 1.30-4.30

PEPs Training

PEPs Training

PEPs Level 1 and 2 combined - 2 year programme with sessions to complete.
Identified from Placements table completed by employing partner Placement Leads.

Home / Events / CMSWTP Teacher Practitioner Status Training

Free to members of the partnership. Delivered via MS Teams.

Cohort 1 9.30-4.00 each day – Day 1 27th Nov, Day 2 19th Jan 2021, Day 3 11th Feb, Day 4 11th Mar, Day 5 28th April, Day 6 8th June, Day 7 13th July, Day 8 7th Sept, Day 9 12th Oct, Day 10 TBC Jan 2022.

Cohort 2 9.30-4.00 each day – Day 1 24th Feb, Day 2 23rd March , Day 3 14th April, Day 4 18th May, Day 5 15th June, Day 6 21st Sept, Day 7 9th Nov, Day 8 14th Dec, Day 9 TBC 2022, Day 10 TBC 2022

Dates may change as subject to timetable changes in the HEIs